Analytics Parameters Dictionary

All analytics are based on the time period defined on app’s Setting (default and most recommended is 30 days).

Tags – tags defined on Shopify (you can include or exclude products based on Tags when creating a super collection).

Product Type (from Shopify) – the product type defined on Shopify.

Vendor (from Shopify) – the vendor defined on Shopify for a product.

Title – the product title (you can include or exclude products based on Title when creating a super collection).

Created at – the date the product was created on Shopify.

Days since created – number of days since product was created on Shopify.

Published at – the date the product was published and made live on site.

Days since published – number of days since product had an update.

Updated at – the date that the product had its last update.

Days since updated – number of days since products was published and made live on site.

Back in stock at – the date the product was back in stock (calculated only after app was installed – a product must have stock and after app was installed: stock was finished and replenished).

Days since back in stock – number of days since product was back in stock (calculated only after app was installed – a product must have stock and after app was installed: stock was finished and replenished).

Restocked at - Whenever one (or more) of a product's variant's stock is increased in 2 items or above, the product will be considered as restocked at this time. For example, if a product has 3 variants, and variant#2 has been restocked in additional 10 items, the product will be considered as restocked.

Days since Restocked - The number of days passed since the product was restocked Restocked at (see "Restocked at" above).

Price (variants' max) – maximum price among the product's variants. If a price is on discount, then it will relate to the price after the discount.

Price (variants' min) – minimum price among the product's variants.

Price (variants' avg) – average price among the product's variants.

Discount (fraction e.g. 0.2) – the discount on price of a product: price / compared price (on app, please use a fraction (e.g. 0.2) and not %).

Cost – the cost of product on Shopify (must be set in Shopify).

Inventory – the current inventory of a product (if a product has variants, then this will be the sum of all variants’ inventory).

Raw inventory – inventory without considering if tracked and policy when out of stock.

Variants with stock ration – the % of variants that have stock out of the total number of variants. For example, if a product has 5 sizes (variants) – XS, S, M, L and XL, and only sizes XS and XL have stock, then this parameter will be 2/5=0.4 (40%).
This helps you avoid showing or pushing variants that most of its variants are out of stock.

Days to finish inventory – the amount of days it will take to finish the current inventory based on the daily sales rate (see Daily Sales above).

Inventory value– the value of the current inventory: number of inventory units X product cost (the cost must be set in Shopify).

Margin – the margin of a product: price – cost (the cost must be set in Shopify).

Margin X – the margin multiplication of a product: price / cost (the cost must be set in Shopify).

To convert “margin %” of 30% to “margin X”,  do: 1/(1-0.3).

Real Margin X – the margin multiplication of a product after sold on promotions and discount codes:
net sales / sales quantity / cost.
This is the actual Margin X of a product on your store. (the cost must be set in Shopify).
To convert “real margin %” of 30% to “Real Margin X”,  do: 1/(1-0.3).

Daily sales – the daily sales rate of a product – the daily sales rate is calculated according to the time period set in setting (default and recommended is 30 days). Sales quantity / days in time period. If a product’s days since published or days since back in stock are less than time period, then the calculation will be: Sales quantity / days since published or days since back in stock.

Sales (money) – the total sales of a product in the defined time period.

Sales quantity – the total number of units sold of a product in the defined time period.

Appeared in orders – Unique appearances of a product in orders. One count for a product even if appeared multiple times in one order.

Reviews avg – the avg reviews rating of the product.

Reviews number – the amount of review the product has.

Market demand – the product’s market demand (based on Amazon, Ebay & Walmart).

Price competitiveness in market – a comparison between the product’s price in your store with market avg price (based on Amazon, Ebay & Walmart).

Conversion rate – the product’s conversion rate is basically, how many visitors purchased the product out of the number of product page views it had.
appeared in orders / Page views.

Page views – the number of page views of a product page.

List views – the number of views of a product in a collection page. .

List CTR – the rate at which users clicked the product list to view products (number of clicks divided by the number of times the list appeared).

Adds to cart – the number of times a product was added to the cart.

Avg seconds spent on page – The average duration, in seconds, of a page view.

Loop returns integration parameters:

Days since last return - how many days have passed since the last return of a product

Last return at - The date of a product's last return

Returned items quantity - How many items of a specific products were returned

Returned money - The value of the items returned

Returned weight grams - the weight of the items returned